Nurse Prescribing Leadership

A National update from the RCN at today's Nurse Prescribing Leadership conference chaired by Prof Angela Alexander MBEProfessor Emerita School of Pharmacy, University of Reading, Chair Task and Finish Group for the 2021 review Competency Framework for all Prescribers, and Chair, Working Party, The Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP), Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Nurse Prescribing Leadership & Advanced Nursing Roles

Heather Randle Professional Lead for Education 
The Royal College of Nursing

• where are the standards for advanced roles and nursing within speciality 
• recognition of advanced practice
• implications for nurse prescribers
• the challenges of Covid-19
• enhanced practice and implications for NMPs
• what support do nurse prescribers need at each stage of their prescribing journey
• ensuring nurse prescribing practice is integral to service development

Heather said the RCN Advanced Practice Standards include that they must be an independent prescriber. She said if you register with the NMC as an Advanced Practitioner, credentialing applies.  This drives up standards, provides formal recognition of the role, gives employer assurance, and public confidence.  Heather described the criteria for credentialing which maps experience against the 4 pillars of advanced practice.  As well as working at advanced practice there is enhanced practice, the ECP is an extended role rather than an advanced role.  ECPs work at an advanced level in a specific field of expertise. 

Heather went on to discuss the scope of prescribing practice for advanced practitioners.  She said having a legal authority to issues prescriptions is a complex skill in practice; "it's never a straight forward decision to write a prescription for somebody."

On the role of the Designated Prescribing Practitioner, Heather said as an experienced practitioner you can support aspiring non-medical prescribers.  Regarding Covid, Heather said there is an increased need for remote prescribing, which she thinks is here to stay as it suits some patients to have a virtual consultation. She said remote prescribing requires a clear process, the same as when you see a patient face to face. 

Heather finished by referring to the RCN Nursing Workforce Standards, they are bringing out case study examples of how the standards are being applied in practice. 

Nursing Workforce Standards
Advanced Practice Standards

2023 Call for Abstracts 
The Nurse Prescribing Leadership Summit 2023 will be taking place virtually on Friday 3rd February 2023.  The programme is open to abstracts for oral or eposter presentation.  
Download the full abstract guidance and submission form here


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