Remote Monitoring: Improving Patient Care and Outcomes through Digitally Enabled Healthcare at Home

News and updated from today's conference 

A Lived Experience Perspective

Shaun Kinghorn

• my remote monitoring journey – opportunities and barriers
• the benefits of home monitoring from a patient perspective
• Covid 19 lessons learned and a glimpse into the future

The opening speaker for today’s conference is Shaun Kinghorn who is speaking about his remote monitoring journey. Shaun’s remote monitoring journey began after he suffered pulmonary embolism. He was recommended a post pulmonary embolism home oximetry by his GP, from this he was referred to a pulmonary hypertension consultant. Shaun went on to say that “since home testing my results have improved” .

He highlighted some benefits and challenges of remote monitoring


  • Improved the quality of his life
  • Greater awareness of underlying conditions and progress
  • Improvement in management of health conditions


  • Cost to patient- cost of buying own INR testing device
  • Learning curve in using monitoring device
  • Protracted process in getting access to some digital monitoring tools

Gamification and Remote Monitoring

Mr Bibhas Roy
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

• using gamification alongside remote monitoring
• gamification in rehabilitation
• the impact on shared decision making, patient activation, motivation and engagement

Bibhas' talk toady was about Gamification and Remote Monitoring. Bibhas said that “Gamification is a tool is engage the audience”

“Cannot think of remote monitoring without thinking of big data” – big data in heath encompasses high volume, high diversity biological, clinical, environmental and lifestyle information collated  from single individuals to large cohorts, in relation to their health and wellness status at one or several points.

Bibhas finalised his talk by highlighting MDU advice:

  • Have a clear protocol for dealing with missed appointments.
  • Have a system for identifying patients and those who fail to attend for follow-up.
  • Ensure patients are informed about the system, how it operates and the potential consequences of missing appointments.
  • For continually misses appointments, explore any underlying problem.
  • Ensure that patients' contact details are kept up to date.
  • Maintain an adverse incident reporting system.
  • Keep clear records of steps taken to investigate incidences of a failure to attend.

SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: OpenMedical - The role of remote monitoring in digital outpatient transformation

Mr Michael Shenouda Medical Director
Open Medical

  • Remote monitoring to effectively streamline outpatient care
  • Remote monitoring to monitor chronic conditions
  • Remote monitoring to guide patient initiated follow-up

SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: Lenus Health - Harnessing AI to predict patient events in remote monitoring

Jim McNair
Director, Lenus Health, NHSX AI Award winner
Edinburgh, Scotland

• remote monitoring / virtual wards for high-risk COPD patients
• predicting patient events via remote monitoring and other data
• take part in NHSx Phase 3 study


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