News and updates from today's confernece
Conference chair:
Catherine Neck
Clinical Services Programme Lead
NHS South, Central and West
• prehabilitation: the evidence
• how can we better support patients to prepare themselves, physically and emotionally for surgery/treatment
• the impact of Covid-19 on prehabilitation programmes
• principles of prehabilitation
A Patient Perspective
Tony Collier BEM Patient Representative Prehab4Cancer in Greater Manchester
• my personal story and relationship with exercise
• Prehab4Cancer in Greater Manchester – a real success story
• outcomes of patient focus groups, the patient perspective
EXTENDED SESSION: Integrating Prehabilitation into the Care Pathway FOCUS: Prehabilitation for People with Cancer
Dr Christopher Scrase NHSE Radiotherapy CRG Clinical Member and QI Lead
Macmillan Clinical Lead Cancer Suffolk and NE Essex ICS Macmillan Consultant Clinical Oncologist East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
• integrating prehabilitation into the cancer care pathway
• the impact of poor physical and mental health on outcomes
• planning and delivery of prehabilitation service in cancer care
• working with patients to optimise:
- Physical activity and exercise
- Nutrition
- Psychological support and behaviour change
• principles and guidance for prehabilitation within the management and support of people with cancer
Dr Scrase commented that: "Prehabilitation interventions need to be balanced against the urgency of cancer diagnosis and treatment" He continued to discuss the CREW (Colorectal wellbeing) Study which aims to "plot natural history of recovery of health and well-being; Investigate whether/how health needs change over time and explore what influences recovery of health and well-being, and determine who is most at risk of poor/protracted recovery"