News and updates from today's A Practical Guide to Effective Non-Medical Prescribing in Care of the Older Person

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Today's Chair: Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing
Salford University





EXTENDED SESSION: Frailty, Polypharmacy & Prescribing: Dr Clifford Lisk 
Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine and Geriatric Medicine Barnet Hospital, Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, CLCH and Lead Training Programme Director, Internal Medicine Training, North-Central London, Health Education England.


• frailty and its relation to polypharmacy
• what an aged body does to a drug and a drug does to an aged body
• why patients end up with extensive polypharmacy
• prescribing for patients with malnutrition
• how to deprescribe
• deprescribing tools
• a word on herbal medicine use in older adults

Developing the role of the NMP in Care Homes

Linda Nazarko OBE
Consultant Nurse, Physical Healthcare
West London NHS Trust





• the potential role of the NMP Independent Prescriber in Care Homes
• working in primary care alongside GPs to improve care in care homes
• how proactive reviews can reduce acute admissions
• managing people with Covid-19 and medications used to manage this

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