Improving End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure

Through national updates and practical case studies this conference focuses on improving end of life care for people with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure through a person centred approach. Patients with cardiovascular conditions, including Heart Failure have been disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Working in an integrated care way: Coordinated Advanced Disease Pathway (CADP) for patients with Advanced Heart Failure

Dr Charles Daniels
Medical Director 
St Luke’s Hospice, Harrow
Macmillan Lead Consultant in Palliative Medicine
London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust


• tangible benefits to patients of integration of Heart Failure and Palliative care services
• identifying the key dependencies

Dr Charles Daniels offers a pathway, tools to use and shares learning from his experience from North-West London (Borough of Brent and then Harrow). 

He presents the issues from different perspectives. From a patient/carer perspective there are multiple problem they face such as uncontrolled symptoms, uncertain future, isolation and tablet burden. From the clinician point of view  there are the issues of long waiting lists and the pressure of prolonged stay in ward. From a manager commissioner point of view the issues are multiple emergency admissions, high expenses. 

In the presentation, Charles discusses attitudinal changes, such as significant modifications to practice of cardiology colleagues, earlier recognition of last phase of life and monthly peer meetings of CHFNs, other LTC nurses and palliative care CNSs.


The Patient’s View

Stephen Kirkham
Heart Failure Patient




• what is experience of care? My patient journey
• palliative care and end of life care planning for cardiovascular disease and heart failure: a personal journey
• the little things that make a big difference
• improving information about what to expect at the end of life
• meaningfully engaging and involving people, and developing peer support 

Stephen Kirkham shares his own experience of car as a heart failure patient. 



EXTENDED SESSION: Best Practice End of Life Care for Heart Failure

Dr Sharon Chadwick
Medical Director
Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted
Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust


• supporting and caring for people with end stage disease with a focus on
• what does best practice look like for people with Heart Failure at the end of life
• developing and monitoring care plans for every patient and communicating with family and carers
• ethical dilemmas and decision making
• supporting carers and professionals to deliver excellence
• working in partnership across organisations and services
• delivering effective psychological support
• learning from the Covid-19 pandemic

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