News and presentations from todays conference, focusing on the 14th Annual Nurse Clinics Conference
Leading Nurse Led Services and Clinics
Sally Bassett
Chair RCN Nursing
Management and Leadership Forum
and Lecturer in Leadership
Oxford Brookes University
• the importance of nurse led clinics and services
• embedding advanced nursing practice
Sally started off her session by asking the question: "What is it like to be lead by you?" noting the importance of reflecting on this question and seeing things from this particular perspective She noted that someone being lead as a responsibility to challenge when necessary as accountability is essential is a leader. A leader is part of creating a culture and developing your allies is a big part of this. We get our authority from our personal credibility ourself.
Advanced Nursing Practice and Roles
Professor Nicola Ranger
Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Midwifery
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
• advanced practice standards and credentialing for specialist practice and advanced roles
• supporting the development of nurse led clinics and services
• safe staffing: understanding requirements for your clinic
• understanding where your service fits within the organisation’s strategy and plans
When you first walk into a role of Nurse leadership, it becomes apparent right away how heavy the responsibility of being a decision maker is. Nicola says that during training she and her colleagues would often critique the imortance of some of the skills required for the role, but when stepping in the role it becomes immediately apparent. Nicola acknowledged that many Nurse practitioners have "advanced" in their title, but no academic background to support this - it is therefore difficult to have conversations about the structure of the 'advanced' role and push for the MSc to be a requirement.