Controlled Drugs: Ensuring the Safer Management, Diversion & Abuse, Prescribing and Use

News and Presentations from todays conference, focusing on ensuring the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs: Diversion & Abuse, Prescribing and Use.

Overseeing the safer management of controlled drugs during Covid-19
Dr Victoria Lea 
National Controlled Drugs Manager
Care Quality Commission



• assessing and overseeing how health and social care providers manage controlled drugs
• prescribing of and access to controlled drugs during Covid-19: new legislation relating to controlled drugs during the Covid-19 pandemic
• reuse of medicines in a care home or hospice
• Syringe Driver Controlled Drug (CD) related incidents
• maintaining a safe environment for managing controlled drugs: current trends

Controlled Drugs Governance and Audit
Dr Weeliat Chong 
Chief Pharmacist
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust



• controlled drugs governance
• supporting prescribing infrastructure for controlled drugs
• remote consultations and controlled drugs
• ensuring that that prescribing policies support prescribers and do not create barriers that  prevent health professionals who are competent to prescribe controlled drugs from prescribing
• learning from controlled drugs audit and mitigating potential risks
• current issues in our region

Weeliat began his talk by discussing The Gosport Independent panel report.  Weeliat said "There were no systems in place for the routine review of pharmacy data which could have alerted the trust to any unusual or excessive patterns" 

Weeliat then went on to explain Rx Infrastructure & policies & processes. He said "Rx policies should support prescribers, not create barriers"

He continued by discussing Remote Consultation "This carries a greater risk, especially if the patient is not known by the prescriber" "A solution could be that a limited quantity could be prescribed until the patient sees the prescriber who has access to the relevant information in their medial records"

Weeliat said "It's so important to do spot checks to make sure no illegal activities are taking place"

Weeliat was asked by a delegate "Why don't we have anything in place to say you must have a review?" He responded by saying  "I think regular review is very important, Its about a good balancing act" he also said "If you put these barriers up there could be a delay in getting treatment to the patient" 

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