Effective Non Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care

This important national conference provides an essential update for current and aspiring non medical prescribers on prescribing at the end of life. The day includes national updates, extended in depth sessions and case studies focused on developing your skills and competence as a non medical prescriber in end of life care.

Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing: National Update

Dr Barry Quinn
Senior Lecturer for Cancer and Palliative Care
Queen’s University Belfast



• national developments in nurse/non-medical prescribing
• NMP at the end of life & Covid-19
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• demonstrating compliance with the NMC Code for revalidation
• the benefits of nurse/non-medical prescribing in end of life care

-    Nursing is changing, partly due to Covid but more importantly people are living longer and comorbidities
-    More and more newly qualified staff will be asked to start prescribing & more already qualified prescribers will be asked to be assessors
-    Your policies & procedures should incorporate the 2021 framework
-    Seems to be a lot of focus on the 6 ‘consultation’ parts of the 2021 Competency framework
-    We are ‘Skilled Companions’, supporting people at difficult times

EXTENDED SESSION: Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing in end of life care Non-medical prescribing in end of life care in the community

Nigel Dodds
Nurse Consultant for Older People
King's College Hospital


• anticipatory prescribing in end of life care in the community
• an overview of non-medical prescribing within a large community palliative care team
• prescribing for delirium at the end of life
• supporting non-medical prescribers with a national community of practice

-    Nigel spoke on Non Medical Prescribing end of life care at St Christophers and about the importance of ‘Auditing of Practice’. 
-    We need to review & ensure Anticipatory Prescribing is individualised

EXTENDED SESSION: Ensuring competence and confidence in and across prescribing practice

Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing
Salford University



• improving non-medical prescribing practice
• implementing the national competency framework
• the new Designated Prescribing Practitioner Framework
• ensuring you have the history-taking, clinical assessment and diagnosis skills to        prescribe appropriately and effectively
• keeping your prescribing knowledge up-to-date: accessing education, training and resources
• difficult issues: pharmacology & prescribing decision making, understanding co-morbidity issues and drug interactions
• understanding your limits of practice and competence

-    The term should really just be ‘prescribing’, not Non Medical Prescribing, we are very highly skilled
-    When might your competency be stretched?  Know your limits, you are part of a team with support
-    Deborah spoke about demonstrating competency with ‘Miller’s Triangle’, KNOWING, SHOWING, DOING
-    Importance of demonstrating competency for personal professional development
-    Important to have support structures in place

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