Stop the Pressure: Pressure Ulcer Prevention & Management

The New National Pressure Ulcer Surveillance System

Professor Jackie Stephen-Haynes
Professor in Wound Healing
Birmingham City University

• NWCSP update
• implementation of the new national Pressure Ulcer Surveillance system using The Model Hospital System
• national metrics
• Implementing the new national Pressure Ulcer Surveillance system in practice
• preparing for the new surveillance system
• the role of the Model Ambassador
• driving improvement and learning from the pilot sites

Jackie was the opening presentation of todays conference with a focus on the 'New National Pressure Ulcer Surveillance System'. 

Jackie defined pressure ulcers as  'an unwanted complication of illness, severe physical disability or increasing frailty. Pressure ulcers cause immense suffering and considerable increases in length of stay. An understanding of the causes of pressure ulceration is fundamental to prevention of occurrence.'

Up to 51% of patients with a pressure ulcer were found to have a nutritional deficiency

Guest et al, 2015

 She moved on to speak about nutrition and pressure ulcer saying supplements must be prescribed on an individual basis following a full risk assessment. 

Pressure Ulcer Assessment, Reporting & Management

Anne Nash
Consultant Nurse 
St Christopher's Hospice

• definitions and local monitoring
• reporting of unstageable pressure ulcers
• when an RCA should be undertaken and why we should no longer be thinking in terms of avoidability
• supporting frontline staff to identify, manage and prevent pressure ulcers
• beyond risk assessment and grading: ensuring action!


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