Improving Safety in Maternity Services Learning from the Ockenden Report

This conference focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to improving safety in maternity services – learning, and implementing recommendations from the Ockenden Review and Final Report 2022. 

Opening Address: Delivering Safe Maternity Care

Gill Walton CBE
Chief Executive
The Royal College of Midwives


• the RCM’s role in improving safety in maternity
• how can we ensure safe staffing?
• ensuring freedom to speak up in maternity care
• how do we change culture and practice?
• local Actions for Learning, (LAfL) and Immediate and Essential Actions to improve all maternity services in England following the Independent Review of Maternity Services at Shrewsbury & Telford Maternity Review
• new themes, accelerating progress and moving forward

Working in and embedding your Maternity Voices Partnership

Emma Taylor
Chair of Royal Berkshire Maternity Voices
South East NHS Region Service User Voice and MVP Network Lead


• what is a Maternity Voices Partnership?
• the role of MVPs including in raising concerns over safety
• embedding the MVP into trust and service activities
• nurturing a positive culture and freedom to speak up in maternity care


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