Improving End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure

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Chair's Welcome and Introduction

Dr Sharon Chadwick
Medical Director, Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted
Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust




The Patient’s View

Stephen Kirkham
Heart Failure Patient 


• what is experience of care? My patient journey
• end of life care planning for cardiovascular disease and heart failure: a personal journey
• the little things that make a big difference
• meaningfully engaging and involving people, and developing peer support
• improving information about what to expect at the end of life 


The End of Life Needs of people with Heart Disease

​​​​​​​Dr Ros Taylor MBE
Medical Director Harlington Hospice
Former Clinical Director Hospice UK

• what does holistic care in heart failure look like?
• anxiety and the heart
• early involvement of palliative care - why it is important
• patient-centred care or network-centred care for heart failure patients?
• what about the carers?
• the best resources to support patients and clinicians

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