Learning from Litigation Claims

The Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) and NHS Resolution have published a best practice guide for clinicians and managers: Learning from Litigation Claims.  The guide reports that:

“Claims for clinical negligence are a valuable source of learning and an opportunity for improvement which should not be lost.”

“Clinical negligence claims are an ever-increasing burden in the NHS, with the annual cost of harm amounting to £8.3 billion in 2019/20”

“With some trusts paying over £40m in yearly contributions and the annual cost representing around 2% of the NHS budget, it is clear that board-level attention on claims is essential and should be part of the effective governance of any organisation. With the additional financial pressures on the NHS from COVID-19, getting our approach to claims right, and learning from them, has never been more important.”  Professor Tim Briggs, Chair of GIRFT and National Director of Clinical Improvement for the NHS.

Read the guide in full here

Our forthcoming Clinical Negligence: Update for Clinicians & Managers virtual confernece is taking place on Friday 22 October 2021.  Chaired by Simon HammondDirector of Claims Management, NHS Resolution, the day will update clinicians and managers on Clinical Negligence with a particular focus on current issues and the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on Clinical Negligence claims.

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