Effective Non Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care

Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing: National Update

Dr Barry Quinn
Senior Lecturer for Cancer and Palliative Care
Queen’s University Belfast

• national developments in nurse/non medical prescribing
• NMP at the end of life & Covid-19
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• demonstrating compliance with the NMC Code for revalidation
• the benefits of nurse/non medical prescribing in end of life care

Dr Barry Quinn Biography 0.68 MBVND.OASIS.OPENDOCUMENT.TEXTfile

Presentation Slides 3.63 MBPPTXfile

Barry discussed how Covid-19 has impacted end of life

We have found ourselves having more conversations. Covid-19 has forced people to have conversations and increasing conversations, which is only a good thing. “These conversations continue to happen behind gloves, masks and apron”

“More aware that people die with the news however more people feel that they are dying alone”

Barry asks his students this question - “Is dying a human process or a medical process?” we need to be more prepared for this process

NMP Entry requirements update – rather than a time based, changed to skill based.

Things are changing quite rapidly and it is a great opportunity to improve patient care and safety.

EXTENDED SESSION: Ensuring competence and confidence in and across prescribing practice

Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing
Salford University

• improving non medical prescribing practice
• implementing the national competency framework
• the new Designated Prescribing Practitioner Framework
• ensuring you have the history-taking, clinical assessment and diagnosis skills to prescribe appropriately and effectively
• keeping your prescribing knowledge up-to-date: accessing education, training and resources
• difficult issues: pharmacology & prescribing decision making, understanding co- morbidity issues and drug interactions
• understanding your limits of practice and competence

Dr Deborah Robertson Biography and Abstract 0.17 MBDOCXfile

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The recently updated RPS Competency Framework for all Prescribers is available here .

SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: An introduction to Palliative Care Formulary (PCF) through MedicinesComplete

Samantha Clatworthy
Account Manager
Pharmaceutical Press




Sarah Charlesworth
Senior Clinical Writer
Pharmaceutical Press



Empowering the palliative care community with independent, specialist information, grounded in clinical practice.

In this 10-minute supplier showcase, you will: 
• learn how the Palliative Care Formulary provides unrivalled and independent drug information to support confident decision-making at the point of care
• discover key features and tools including unique content on specialist drugs and subject areas in palliative care 
• understand how the resource is used in practice to support a patient with hepatic impairment through a live demonstration 
• find out how your organisation can benefit from a subscription

Engage in a live Q/A session at the end to answer any questions you may have in our breakout session during lunch.

Samantha Clatworthy and Sarah Charlesworth Biography 0.02 MBDOCXfile

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