A Practical Guide to Effective Nurse Prescribing for Pain

Today's chair: Professor Angela Alexander MBE

Professor Emerita School of Pharmacy, University of Reading Chair Working Party, The Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP), Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

Angela opens the day with a national update covering:

• prescribing for pain: current issues
• supporting patients through pain management during and beyond Covid-19

Speaking first are: Sally Jarmain and Matt Lund who discuss Improving Prescribing Practice & Competence: Using the national prescribing competency framework

Non-Medical Prescribing Lead       Physiotherapist Independent Prescriber and Pain Team                                                                Lead Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

The session covers:

• key messages from the competency framework and what has changed
• using the framework throughout the prescribing journey
• using the framework as part of the revalidation process
• relating the framework to prescribing governance
• demonstrating the framework within a patient case study
• the new competency framework for designated prescribing practitioners
• governance and accountability for non medical prescribing for pain

Liz Moir Lead Nurse, Pain Services Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust presents a session on: Nurse prescribing for in-patient acute pain

The session covers:

• nurse prescribing for in-patient pain: the practicalities
• improving nurse prescribing practice on the wards
• non medical prescribing as part of the ward round
• developing advanced roles around nurse prescribing
• prescribing for Covid-19 symptoms
• coaching and mentoring for current and aspiring nurse prescribers

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