Day Case Pathways in Urology

Chaired by Dr Mary Stocker Immediate Past President BADS Consultant Anaesthetist
Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust and Mr John McGrath Consultant Urologist
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital National Clinical Lead for Urology, GIRFT


Dr Stocker discusses: Optimising Your Day Case Pathway

• Key elements of a day surgery pathway
• Patient suitability for day surgery
• Planning for successful day surgery

Mr John McGrath discusses the GIRFT Urology Programme

Today's conference sponsor: Supplier Showcase from Urolift: How the UroLift® System can play a critical role in treating patients with BPH in the current environmental challenges

Mr Ananda Dhanasekaran
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Deputy Head of Academy
Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust and Honorary Clinical Tutor Aston University and University of Birmingham

• Treating patients with the UroLift® System in an outpatients setting under LA
• Patient outcomes
• NICE and EAU guidelines

Spinal Magic! How Spinal Anaesthesia Can Transform a Day Case Urology Service

Dr Robbie Erskine Consultant Anaesthetist University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

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