End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure

News and updates from today's End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure virtual conference

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Through national updates and practical case studies this conference is focusing on improving end of life care for people with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure with a person centred approach. Gil Wheeler set the scene and emphasised the importance of keeping the patient at the centre of care.  Clea Atkinson and Sharon Chadwick have given informative and practical talks which focus on best practice and how to improve care.

The End of Life Needs of people with Heart Disease

Dr Clea Atkinson
Consultant in Palliative Medicine
Bevan Commission Fellow

Velindre University NHS Trust & Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

• the typical heart failure patient journey
• the impact of Covid-19
• supporting people through the Covid-19 pandemic
• delivering co-speciality supportive care pathways
• putting the patient at the centre
• the end of life needs for people with heart disease
• what does high quality end of life care look like
• outcomes from a heart failure supportive care model

EXTENDED SESSION: Best Practice End of Life Care for Heart Failure

Dr Sharon Chadwick
Medical Director
Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted
Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

• supporting and caring for people with end stage disease with a focus on heart failure
• what does best practice look like for people with Heart Failure at the end of life
• developing and monitoring care plans for every patient and communicating with family and carers
• ethical dilemmas and decision making
• supporting carers and professionals to deliver excellence
• working in partnership across organisations and services
• delivering effective psychological support
• learning from the Covid-19 pandemic


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