Sepsis: Improving Practice during and beyond Covid-19

A Lived Experience

Jessica Tuffield
Patient Representative, Volunteer and Sepsis Survivor
The UK Sepsis Trust

• my journey through deteriorating and sepsis

Jes opened our conference today giving her patient experience of Sepsis and how this led her to start to become a Patient Representative and Volunteer at The UK Sepsis Trust.

She spoke about how “Post Sepsis Syndrome is a thing it just isn’t recognised”.

“We must keep talking about sepsis and improve the awareness”

Talking about how her experience affected her, she said “we all go through negative things in our lives, it is how you choose to use that energy, I choose to work with hospitals to make changes and improve”

Health Education England Sepsis Update

Gary Wares
Sepsis Clinical Lead
Health Education England

•  national update

Gary started his talk by recognising Jes’ comments regarding post sepsis syndrome as he does hear about this.

He went on to explain that their role at HEE is to educate the workforce.

Gary discussed their Think Sepsis campaign. Its aim is “to improve patient outcomes and to reduce the number of avoidable deaths”.

They recognised the need to support their colleagues in primary care, such as supporting receptionists

Gary went on to explain how they moved on to produce resources for leadership in Sepsis education.

They are currently working on NEWS in mental health and ambulance service. He ended by highlighting that “sharing the patient experience and journey really brings the story home”

For more resources please visit the HEE Sepsis Awareness site

Sepsis and Covid-19

Dr Ron Daniels
Founder and Director
The UK Sepsis Trust
Consultant in Intensive Care
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

• why is it so important to focus on sepsis as the leading cause of deterioration?
• reducing mortality and morbidity from Sepsis
• Sepsis and Covid-19: are Covid-19 survivors more at risk of Sepsis?
• recognising Sepsis in Covid-19 survivors: training and educating staff and patients
• pre hospital sepsis – spotting the early signs
• an update from the UK Sepsis Trust

Ron started his talk by defining Sepsis as a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.

Through research and findings of looking at sepsis codes "1.7m cases are at risk of sepsis"

Ron also discussed how sepsis can affect survivors - "around 40%of survivors of sepsis supper at least one of a range of physical, cognitive and psychological sequelae"

He went on to explain the new Sepsis Savy campaign. 

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