Developing the Role of the Nursing Associate

News and updates from today's Nursing Associate virtual conference

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Dr Debs Robertson introduced the Conference, which started with two national updates.

First Wendy Fowler from the NMC focussed on regulation and standards – and the importance of objective mentorship.  She also talked about the implications of delegation and accountability for Nursing Associates.

Then Emily Gartmore and Shelley Stinton from Coventry University talked about where Nursing Associates sit from a national perspective, how can awareness of the role be improved across the NHS, and how should the role evolve going forwards to improve its visibility, effectiveness and impact.

The Nursing Associate Role: Regulation and Standards

Wendy Fowler Nursing Education Adviser
Nursing and Midwifery Council

• regulation of the Nursing Associate Role
• developing the nursing associate standards
• delegation and accountability implications

EXTENDED SESSION: National Update, Implementing the role in practice and looking to the future

Emily Gartshore Associate Professor & Curriculum Lead for Nursing Associates Coventry University Chair, TYAC PEG
Shelley Stinton Assistant Professor and Course Director for Nursing Associates Coventry University

• the Nursing Associate: where it came from where it is now national update
• implementing the role in practice – delegation and accountability
• the Nursing Associate role in improving safety and quality of care
• maintaining consistency in pay, conditions and deployment
• ensuring patients and the public understand the role
• looking to the future – widening participation

EXTENDED SESSION: Medicines Management and the Nursing Associate

Dr Deborah Robertson Lecturer In Adult Nursing, School of Health and Society Salford University

 • expectations for nursing associates who administer medicines to patients
 • ensure adequate levels of supervision are in place to support trainee Nursing Associates in the education and training of medicines management
 • ensuring adherence to the national 2018 guidance

Developing and ensuring competence in practice

Kathryn Draper Senior Lecturer in Nursing & Health Care Course Leader: Nursing Associate Programme Nottingham Trent University

• training & education rooted in clinical practice
• developing and ensuring competence in practice: maintaining the standards of proficiency
• supervision and accountability in practice
• the development of expanded practice and additional competencies
• ensuring Nursing Associates stay within their competence and scope of practice
• our experience and how the programme has developed since our first cohort

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