Perinatal Mental Health Services - News and updates

Conference chair: Elaine Hanzak Author, advocate and speaker on perinatal mental health with lived experience

Chair’s Introduction: What it feels like to be in crisis and what helped me to keep on living: personal messages to inspire others’

• a personal perspective
• what it feels like as a new mum to be in crisis
• what inspired me to keep on living
• supporting new mums during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Learning from MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers Care Sharing the learning to improve services pre and during Covid-19

Prof Jenny Kurinczuk
Professor of Perinatal Epidemiology
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU)
National Programme Lead

• lessons learned from recent enquiries and reports
• learning from the 2020 report focusing on Covid-19 - Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care rapid report
• high risk factors: learning from suicides after a pregnancy or postnatal loss, or
 after removal of their infant into care
• identifying warning signs and red flags

Improving wellbeing and supporting positive mental health during pregnancy

Janet Fyle MBE Professional Policy Advisor, The Royal College of Midwives

Sandra Igwe Founder of The Motherhood Group Co-chair of the National Inquiry into Racial Injustice in Maternity Care

• focusing on prevention and positive mental health and emotional wellbeing during pregnancy
• improving services at a general and specialist level
• ensuring equality and enhancing engagement with diverse communities
• developing the role of the perinatal specialist midwife 

The importance of Paternal Mental Health: Supporting men whose wives or partners are suffering from postnatal depression

Mark Williams
International Fathers Mental Health Campaigner and Author

• supporting men whose wives or partners are suffering from postnatal depression
• how do we effectively support fathers mental health?


Today's conference sponsor: Parents 1st UK 

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