Ward Accreditation

Today's chair: David Melia Director of Nursing and Quality The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Assistant Chief Nurse - Exemplar and Transformation University College London Hospitals NHS Trust

Opening the conference is Natalie Green Deputy Chief Nurse University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and Carol Bradley Lead Nurse for Assessment and Accreditation 
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, who deliver a session on:  Ward Accreditation during a pandemic: Adapting Ward Accreditation during and following pandemic – our experience, covering:

• involving stakeholders in the quality of the ward accreditation process
• triggers and triangulation of data
• adapting Ward Accreditation during a Pandemic
• our experience

Driving Improvement at Ward Level

Marsha Jones Deputy Chief Nurse Epsom & St Helier Hospitals NHS Trust and Mohita Mungur Lead Nurse - Ward Accreditation Epsom & St Helier Hospitals NHS Trust

• what inspires Ward Leaders to improve
• tips and advice improving quality at wards level
• understanding budgetary constraints
• our experience: Implications for Ward Accreditation for Quality

EXTENDED SESSION: Developing Ward Accreditation for Quality, presented by Simon Featherstone Director of Nursing and Helen Carter Senior Nurse Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.  The session covers:

• devising and delivering a quality assurance accreditation scheme - our experience of the nursing assessment and accreditation system
• the challenges of Covid-19 at ward level
• what does an accredited ward look like?
• reducing variation across wards and sharing learning & good practice
• celebrating Success and Supporting Wards that are not meeting the standards

Conference Sponsor:

Genome Ward Accreditation tool is a comprehensive inspection system that stimulates continuous organisational improvement and empowers front line staff. Significant improvements in data collection and processing maximises staff engagement, allows efficient in-depth monitoring of quality metrics and encourages sharing of governance and learning. These advances allow a collective leadership to achieve excellent patient safety and provide high quality care at all times.


Twitter: @genome_digital

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