News and updates from today's Personality Disorder conference

News and updates from today's Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder virtual conference.

Confernece chair: Dr Phil Moore Chair  Thrive, London’s Suicide Prevention

Opening today's confernece is Leroy Simpson with a powerful lived experience presentation and asks how we can improve the lives of people with a PD.

Dr Jorge Zimbron Consultant in General Adult and Rehabilitation Psychiatry Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust, discusses Iatrogenic complications of compulsory treatment in personality disorder, and the session covers:

• How do you care for those refusing care?
• Balancing the risks and benefits of compulsory treatment
• Is there an alternative?
• Case report highlighting two different approaches and their consequences in the 
   same patient.

Dr Zimbron commented that: 

EXTENDED SESSION: Treatment Models and Therapeutic Interventions

Dr Tennyson Lee
Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy & Clinical Lead for Personality
Disorders Service

East London NHS Foundation Trust

• treatment models and therapeutic interventions
• what does a treatment pathway look like
• successes, challenges and lessons learnt
• personality disorder in diverse communities – how do we ensure equality of access
 and treatment?



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