A Practical Guide to Developing your skills as an Effective Nurse Director

This Virtual Conference will  bring together current and aspiring Nurse Directors together to understand current issues and the national context, including leading through Covid-19,  and to debate and discuss key issues and areas they are facing in practice. #NurseDirector2021

Conference chairs: Professor Nancy Fontaine Chief Nurse Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Karen Dawber Chief Nurse Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Opening the day is Professor Jacqueline Filkins Hon President European Nurse Directors Association Hon Fellow University of Cumbria who focuses on developing your skills as a current or aspiring Nurse Director and discusses:

• personal reflections on my journey to being a Nurse Director
• the Nurse Directors role
• leadership qualities required for the role
• tips for aspiring Nurse Directors
• the European Nurse Director Association

Professor Helen Young SRO NHS 111 Covid Response Services Executive Director of Patient Care & Service Transformation/Chief Nurse South Central Ambulance NHS Trust delivers and extended session on developing your skills and competence as a Nurse/Midwifery/AHP Director including developing your leadership skills, covering:

• the important capabilities for Nurse Directors to effectively put quality first in
    the boardroom
• areas in which the Nurse Director can play a key role as a board member
• developing your business, political and financial acumen
• learning how to demonstrate emotional intelligence
• managing your work/life balance and the demands of the role
• moving from the traditional role of ‘doing’ to one of enabling others: developing your
   consultancy, coaching and facilitation skills
• developing the skills, knowledge and confidence to lead and manage the delivery of
   high quality safe and effective services
• maximising your leadership and management qualities
• developing your leadership skills and potential
• how the role varies across organisation – my experience as an acute trust and now
   ambulance trust Chief Nurse
• what I’ve learnt as a Nurse Director, and what I wish I’d known when I started

Conference sponsors:

Supplier Showcase: Genome Quality Improvement Platform - helping Nurse Directors promote excellence. Genome QI Platform is a comprehensive inspection system that stimulates continuous organisational improvement and empowers front line staff.


Supplier Showcase: 10to8 - Modernising NHS Patient Flow with a Booking System.  10to8 Workshop: Step-by-step Guide on Tackling your Appointment Backlog

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