New maternal mental health services

NHS England has announced: Thousands of new, expectant or bereaved mothers will receive help and support for mental health problems through dozens of new dedicated hubs which are being set up across the country.

The 26 new hubs will bring together maternity services, reproductive health and psychological therapy under one roof as part of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Around 6,000 women will receive care and treatment for a wide range of mental health issues from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after giving birth to others with a severe fear of childbirth.

“We know around one in four women experiences mental health problems in pregnancy and during the 24 months after giving birth, and these maternal mental health services will provide vital support, meeting the specific needs of these women.

“Their establishment will significantly contribute to the overall commitment of the NHS to enable at least 66,000 women with moderate to severe mental health difficulties related motherhood to access specialist care by 2023/24.”

Dr Giles Berrisford, National Speciality Advisor for Perinatal Mental Health

Around 6,000 women are expected to receive care as part of the pilots by the end of 2021/22. The work undertaken by these sites will be vital to efforts to further scale up these services across the country.

6th April 2021 

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