The NHS Staff Survey 2020, published 11/3/2021

The past twelve months have been a challenging time for anyone working in the NHS.  The NHS Staff Survey, completed by all 220 NHS Trusts across England, provides essential information to employers about staff experience across the NHS in England, findings including:

  • "25.5% are thinking about leaving their organisation"
  • "44% reported feeling unwell as a result of work related stress in the last 12 months"
  • "58.7% said they often or always look forward to going to work"
  • "70.2% of staff were satisfied with the support they got from their immediate manager"
  • "13.1% of staff reported experiencing discrimination at work."
  • "Ethnic background continues to be the most common reason cited and was mentioned by 48.2% of staff who claimed to have experienced discrimination at work".
  • "69.3% of BME staff said their organisation provides equal opportunities. In contrast 87.3% of white staff said the same."
  • "76.6% of staff with long term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses felt that their employer made adequate adjustments to enable them to carry out their work. The proportion was lower amongst those who worked on a Covid-19 specific ward or area (68.7%)"

Read the report in full here 

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