Saving Babies Lives: Reducing Stillbirth

Learning from MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK

Professor Elizabeth Draper
Professor of Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology The Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies Team
University of Leicester & MBRRACE-UK collaborators

• using local MBRRACE-UK data for real time monitoring
• an update on the National Perinatal Mortality Review Tool
• implications for practice and maternity care

Liz highlighted a new chapter in this year’s report “Multidimensional effects of ethnicity, deprivation and mother’s age on perinatal mortality”

She shared some of the data from this year’s report. In 2019 there was 716,825 births, 2,399 stillbirths and 1158 neonatal deaths.

Overall the mortality rates continue to fall, stillbirths had a 20% fall since 2013.

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