Prescribing in Cancer Care

News and updates from today's Prescribing in Cancer Care conference 

Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing: Current Developments

Sarah Thompson
Lead Nurse for Haemotology and Haemato-oncology
and Advanced Nurse Practitioner

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

• current developments in nurse/non medical prescribing in cancer care
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• demonstrating compliance with the NMC Code for revalidation
• the national competency framework for all prescribers
• prescribing through Covid-19
• the benefits of nurse prescribing in cancer care

EXTENDED SESSION Prescribing in End of life Care and symptom control

Dr Edith Israel
Clinical Lead and Chief Consultant in Palliative Medicine
The London Clinic
NHS Leadership Academy Fellow

• nurse prescribing for symptom control: current issues
• empowering nurses to prescribe in end of life care
• managing pain at the end of life
• controlled drugs and non medical/nurse prescribing
• the use of drugs beyond the product licence
• improving non medical prescribing practice at the end of life


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