Digital Imaging Summit 2021: Improving Radiology Reporting & Escalation

News and presentations from today's Digital Imaging conference, chaired by Dr Stephen Fenn Consultant Radiologist, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Unlocking Solutions in Imaging

Dr Tony Dysart Clinical Lead
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

• the findings from the 2021 PHSO report
• recommendations for improvement in radiology reporting
• ensuring the results are acted upon

The PHSO investigates complaints referred to them and provides clinical advice for improvement. They take a system wide approach to change through in-site reports.  They identified a failing in the system to take account for mistakes being made in radiology which included; a failure to follow national guidelines on reporting unexpected imaging findings, delays in reporting imaging findings, and missed opportunities for Trusts to learn from mistakes in imaging and other clinical servics that rely on imaging.  Tony presented case study examples looking at unlocking solutions in imaging, moving to a learning culture that promotes learning over blame.  Recommendations from the report were:

- existing recommendations (HSIB, CQC, NHSE I) need to be implemented now. 
- improving digital infrastructure is urgent
- learning should be triangulated 
- RCR should review existing guidance on reporting. 

Improving Radiology Reporting & Escalation: Where are we now?

Dr Jeanette Dickson President
The Royal College of Radiologists

• radiology reporting: where are we now?
• radiology reporting best practice and patient safety
• ensuring adherence to national guidelines on reporting unexpected imaging findings
• ensuring escalation and action on the basis of unexpected findings
• solutions and moving forward

Jeanette opened her presentation with a look at a prefect world for radiology which would include:

- correct imaging test requested by referrer whose contact details are available and question asked
- images immediately acquired 
- images immediately reported in written form and clinical questions answered 
- all findings communicated to referrer immediately 
- immediate response instituted for patient benefit 

She went on to look at the reality and how we achieve these objectives going forward. 

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