Developing the role of the Nursing Associate

AM Chair's Welcome and Introduction

Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing, School of Health and Society
Salford University



The Nursing Associate Role: Regulation and Standards

Wendy Fowler
Nursing Education Adviser
Nursing and Midwifery Council

• regulation of the Nursing Associate Role
• developing the nursing associate standards
• delegation and accountability implications

Wendy opened her talk by explaining that "The NMC are here for the small things as well as the big things" and by saying "It's time to celebrate how far we've come with Nursing Associates"

Wendy went on to say "In January 2017 we agreed to regulate nursing associates, requiring a change to legislation by the government"

Wendy also explained "The NMC code sets out the responsibilities of people on our register when they accept a delegated task"

Wendy talked about the NMC new standards and concluded by saying the goal is "to provide Better Safer Care"

EXTENDED SESSION: National Update, Implementing the role in practice and looking to the future

Gary Kirwan
National Officer and Team Leader, Independent and Wider Public Sector
The Royal College of Nursing

• the Nursing Associate: national update
• implementing the role in practice – delegation and accountability
• the Nursing Associate role in improving safety and quality of care during Covid-19
• maintaining consistency in pay, conditions and deployment
• ensuring patients and the public understand the role
• looking to the future – widening participation and the role of the Nursing Associate in social care

Gary explained that "There are 5,500 people on the NMC register which is brilliant" 

Gary said " I think Nursing Associate is a key role in the workforce" "Nursing has grown and Nursing Associates role will continue to grow" 

Medicines Management and the Nursing Associate

Dr Deborah Robertson
Lecturer In Adult Nursing, School of Health and Society
Salford University

• expectations for nursing associates who administer medicines to patients
• ensure adequate levels of supervision are in place to support trainee Nursing Associates in the education and training of medicines management
• ensuring adherence to the national guidance

Debs opened her talk by saying "Medicines management is not a new concept and that safety is paramount"

Debs outlined what she believes is the role of a Nursing Associate -

"Frontline patient care, patients assessment, drug administration, part of a team and patient safety"

Deb's went on to say" There isn't a great clarity of where the nursing associate sits"

she also talked about Education & Training for Nurse Associates at Salford University where she is a lecturer. 

The talk was concluded with a question to discuss in breakout rooms - 

"Do you think it is appropriate to train our Nurse Associates to the same standards as our Registered Nurses?" 

The conclusion after the discussions was "Yes - if they are doing the same job they should be trained to the same level to keep the patients safe"

Case Study: Drug and IV Administration by Nursing Associates in practice

Lyndsay Murden
Lead Nurse – Education
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

• enabling nursing associate colleagues to administer drugs and IVs
• training and governance
• the role of the NA in assessment of patients
• what additional skills do clinical areas need RNAs to do?


PM Chair’s Introduction

Paul Jebb
Associate Director of Nursing
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust


Supporting Nursing Associates: Professional & practice development

Fiona Holley
Head of Education (Nursing, Midwifery and AHPs)
Ashford & St Peters NHS Foundation Trust

• what support do Nursing Associates need
• developing peer networks and preceptorship
• managing and supporting failing students and students in difficulty
• supporting effective professional development

Developing your skills as a Nursing Associate Leader

Emma Green
Registered Nursing Associate

• my role as a Nursing Associate
• how I progressed my role from Nursing Associate to Nurse
• developing my leadership skills as a Nursing Associate

Mental Health Case Study

Lauren Caruana
Registered Nursing Associate, CAMHS Eating Disorders
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

• developing the role of the Nursing Associate in Mental Health
• working as part of the wider team
• my role as a Nursing Associate in Mental Health Services

Developing and ensuring competence in practice

Paul Jebb
Associate Director of Nursing
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

• training & education rooted in clinical practice
• additional competencies: local policies and governance allowing suitably trained staff to undertake additional procedures
• developing and ensuring competence in practice: maintaining the standards of proficiency
• supervision and accountability in practice
• the development of expanded practice and additional competencies
• ensuring Nursing Associates stay within their competence and scope of practice
• our experience and how the programme has developed since our first cohort

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