Monitoring & Reducing Medication Errors: High Risk Medicines & Patient Groups

News and updates from today's Monitoring & Reducing Medication Errors conference 

The National Medication Safety Programme

Prof Ashok Soni OBE 
LPN Pharmacy Chair NHS England, Vice President International Pharmacy Federation
Assembly & English Pharmacy Board Member Royal Pharmaceutical Society and Pharmacist English Pharmacy Board 


• reducing medication error during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic 
• the National Medication Safety Programme 
• medicine issues specific to Covid-19
• Medicines Safety Assurance Model that supports local systems in identifying best medicines safety practice across all care setting

Learning from Medication Errors: Ensuring the learning is implemented and shared

Steve Parker
Medical Director
Isle of Wight NHS Trust

• ensuring the learning from serious incident investigations following medication errors is shared
• how we ensure learning from incidents is embedded into practice
• linking learning from deaths with learning from serious incidents
• triangulating incidents, complaints and claims


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