Measuring, Understanding and Acting on Patient Experience Insight From Insight to Improvement

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Conference chair: Cristina Serrao,Lived Experience Ambassador NHS England and Improvement

  Cristina Serrao's Biography 0.42 MBPDFfile

Opening the conference is Zahida Ramzan-Asghar Senior Lawyer The Government Legal Department Person with Lived Experience of Cancer who looks at Patient Experience Insight: Learning from Lived Experience, covering:

• what is experience of care? My patient journey
• the little things that make a big difference
• meaningfully engaging and involving people, and developing peer support and the particular challenges of patients from diverse groups
• patient leadership in action: my experience

 Zahida Ramzan-Asghar's Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile

Continuing the morning is: Clare Enston Head of Insight & Feedback NHS England and Improvement who will look at Measuring and Improving Experience of Care

 Clare Enston's Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile

Clare Enston's PowerPoint 4.91 MBPPTXfile

• a national update - starting with what matters to people using the service
• what is coproduction and what difference does it make?
• understanding the impact of Covid-19 on patient experience in your service
• key learning points for delivering and sustaining improvements

Speaking next is Rachel Lovesy Patient Experience Lead Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust Member HOPE (Heads of Patient Experience) Network, who looks at Patient Centred Care During Covid-19 and Beyond: Keeping Patients & Loved Ones Connected

 Rachel Lovesy's Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile

• encouraging patient centred care during difficult and stressful times
• supporting high risk and vulnerable patients
• using technology to reduce isolation for inpatients – Virtual Visiting, Letter to Loved Ones, Connected Hearts and Property Drop off Services

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