Electronic Prescribing in Hospitals


Dr Charles Gutteridge
Chief Clinical Information Officer
Barts Health NHS Trust


Chair’s Welcome & Introduction: ePrescribing & Patient Safety

• patient safety benefits from eprescribing 
• understanding where patient safety risks may occur: the importance of a closed loop               medicines management system 
• what can we learn from the HSIB Investigation into electronic prescribing and medicines       administration systems and safe discharge


Dr Charles Gutteridge kicked off todays conference with the first session of the day on the topic of ePrescribing and Patient Safety. The session went through how it has changed, what is working and what is not. It was a fascinating insight to hear from the chief clinical information officer the importance of an CLMMS and understanding where patient safety risks occur.


Dr Catherine Heeney
Senior Research Fellow, Optimising ePrescribing Project
Usher Institute, Edinburgh University

Current Developments in ePrescribing and the Optimising ePrescribing Project

•    overview of Optimising ePrescribing Project
•    focus on qualitative data drawn from interviews
•    learning from strategies employed at local, central and national policy level:
    o    configuration and workarounds
    o    interoperability and data sharing
    o    patient involvement 
    o    next generation optimisation

Though Dr Heeney was unable to present her session in person, her Q&A discussion delivered live to the conference was highly engaging and interactive. Lead by the Chair, professionals in attendance were able to ask and answer questions directly with Catherine.

The leading question of this discussion was: how and how far is a centralised strategy useful in planning and optimisation digitisation in NHS hospitals?

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