Diabetic Foot Problems


Reducing mortality after foot ulceration - the potential of modern diabetes therapy

Dr Matthew Young
Consultant Diabetologist
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 
Diabetic Foot Journal  

• the Diabetic Foot and Covid-19
• improving the timeliness of referrals from primary care to a multi-disciplinary foot team for people with diabetic foot disease
• monitoring adherence to the NICE quality standard: how are we performing?
• educating patients to avoid delay in seeking medical attention

"Matthew opened his talk by explaining that 85% of Diabetes care is continued care - monitoring etc" He went on to explain that "what diabetes patients seem to fear the most is lower limb amputation" but cardiovascular problems are more of a concern "over 70% of deaths in foot ulcer patients are cardiovascular related"

"Michael concluded his talk by explaining that "changing to newer diabetes medications with a beneficial effect on weight loss and blood pressure has the potential to improve cardiovascular outcomes for Type 2 diabetes patients"

EXTENDED SESSION: Effective Risk Assessment and Identification of the at risk foot

Karl Guttormsen
Advanced Clinical Practitioner in DiabetesEndocrinology and General Medicine



Dr Ramneet Khurana
Consultant Diabetes & Endocrinology, Undergraduate Lead 
North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust


Jenna Tilbury
Advanced Podiatrist
Manchester Local Care Organisation



• developing effective screening for early identification of problems
• risk assessment, risk stratification and identification of the foot at risk
• moving from risk assessment to action: ensuring appropriate referral
• improving practice through locally-delivered training relating to simplified assessment and structured management

"Ramheet began the presentation by explaining the research they had carried out with 50 diabetes patients to discover what problems were arising and the conclusion was "people were not looking at feet when they should have been owing to a delay in identification of foot ulcers"

Karl then talked about a tool they developed which is a Diabetic Foot Risk Assesment. Karl talked through this in detail, one algorithm taken from this is CPR - Check, Protect & Refer. 

Jenna concluded the talk by explaining that "Effective staff engagement is essential as well as good communication for the effective implementation and sucess of the project"



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