CAMHS National Summit 2021: Transforming Mental Health Services for Children & Young Adults

Follow the conference on Twitter #CAMHS2021

Confernece sponsor:

Secret Agent Society 

Conference chair: Dr Elaine Lockhart Chair, Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Royal College of Psychiatrists Consultant Psychiatrist, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow

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Opening the confernece is Kahra Wayland-Larty  Campaigns and Policy Manager, Youth Access who looks at: Transforming mental health services for children & young people and the importance of learning from lived experience

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•    How can a rights-based approach help to tackle current challenges?
•    improving access to services for CYP
•    improving the quality of services using young people’s feedback
•    supporting early intervention and accessibility
•    integrated, community-based services
•    The role, opportunities and challenges for providers, commissioners, young people and the voluntary sector

Opening the afternoon is: Dr Paul Patterson Public Health Programme Lead
Forward Thinking Birmingham Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Senior Research Fellow University of Birmingham and Claire Rigby
Education and Employment Partnership Transformation Lead Forward Thinking Birmingham, who discuss: Improving mental health services for young adults (16-25)


The session looks at:

• developing youth services: the evidence and case study of Forward Thinking Birmingham
• scaling a model to span the 0-25 year age range
• how do we design a prevention approach to meet the needs of CYP in the community?
• Covid-19 impact and response
• practical advice for commissioning and developing services

Conference sponsor:

STT-Secret Agent Society social media / email details:


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