News and presentations from today's Developing Your Role as a Designated Prescribing Practitioner vitual conference.
Opening the conference is chair Professor Angela Alexander MBE Working Party, The Designated Prescribing Practitioner Competency Framework, Royal Pharmaceutical Society & Professor Emerita School of Pharmacy, University of Reading.
Training and Supporting Non Medical Prescribers: Developing the role of the Designated Prescribing Practitioner & Extending the role to Non Medical Prescribers
• supporting governance and accountability
• enabling non-medical prescribers (NMPs) to take on this designated practitioner role
• the new Designated Prescribing Practitioner Competency Framework
• how to evidence competence in the DPP role
• moving forward
Developing your role as a Designated Prescribing Practitioner
Dr Andrea Hilton
Senior Lecturer/Non-Medical Prescribing Programme Director
University of Hull
• the role of the Designated Prescribing Practitioner
• integrating the role into day to day practice
• case studies
Andrea discussed the role of the DPP which is described as “To oversee, support and assess the competence of non-medical prescribing trainees, in collaboration with academic and workplace partners, during the period of learning in practice” (A competency framework for designated prescribing practitioners)
EXTENDED INTERACTIVE SESSION: Designated Prescribing Practitioners Improving practice against the framework
Katherine Hall
Associate Professor of Clinical Education
University of Reading
• the required competencies of an individual taking on the DPP role
• the competencies required in delivering the role
• the learning environment and governance of the period of learning in practice
• using the prescribing competency dimensions for prescribing governance in practice
• governance of non-medical prescribing roles
• interactive discussion around case studies and examples in practice
Katherine's session provided an opportunity to consider the two frameworks underpinning prescribing practice, and their relevance to organisations and individuals in relation to the DPP role. It provided an overview of the context of the frameworks and how they link to supervisory practice dilemmas. Kat gave the opportunity for discussion in small groups on topics that attendees felt were relevant to their practice.
A Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (available at this link)
A Competency Framework For All Prescribers to refer to (available at this link) to refer to.