Practical guidance for delivering high quality safe care at night & out of hours
Chair’s Opening Address: Hospital @ Night - Current Developments
Dr Juliane Kause
Regional Director of transformation for urgent and emergency care
University Hospital Southampton Foundation NHS Trust
• widening access to out of hours hospital care
• hospital at night, out of hours care, seven day services - “same difference”?
• design concepts for OOH services
• culture change - Seven Day Services and OOH care - where are we now?
• the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic - and learning moving forward
• challenges - consultant presence out of hours, development of advanced nursing roles
Juliane went through the history of Hospitals at Night and when discussing the 2020’s she mentioned “system wide changes needed to achieve sustainable change”, commenting that all the pandemic has done is accelerate this.
Juliane discussed that improving out of hours and weekend care will have a positive impact in better patient experience, improved patient flow, patient safety and better clinical supervision across the week. However, this also leads to better staff experience, improved training, improved job satisfaction, improved staff Renton and few vacancies.
Hospital at Night: Improving Quality and Safety for acutely deteriorating patients
Claire Rowley
Lead Nurse for the Critical Care Outreach Team
Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust
• improving patient safety at night
• developing competence in advanced nursing practice
• culture change: where are we now