The Coroner Role & Preparing for Coroner’s Inquest: Learning from Deaths

Today's virtual conference focuses on the role of the Coroner and preparing and attending Coroner’s Inquests.

Today's chair: Mike O'Connell Legal Services Practitioner

Opening the conference is Tony Bonser Member, NHS Patient Experience Workstream, Volunteer, Hospice UK, Member, NHS EoLC Programme Management Board and Vice-chair, Trustees, St Catherine’s Hospice Preston

Tony focuses on: A Family Perspective

• what families want from a Coroner’s Inquest
• our journey and experience
• the importance of involving bereaved people to be involved throughout the inquest process

Nadia Persaud Senior Coroner Eastern Area of London delivers a sesion on The Coroner Role

• notification of deaths to Coroner
• investigatory roles of Coroner
• what is unnatural death and opening an inquest
• Covid-19 deaths

Mr Gabriel Sayer Associate Medical Director, Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon
Barking Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

Learning from Deaths and implementing Coroner recommendations at a local level

• the role of the Medical Examiner
• ensuring the appropriate direction of deaths to the coroner
• understanding the root cause of avoidable deaths, ensuring independent review and correct referral to the coroner
• understanding which deaths are attributable to problems in care at a local level
• ensuring conclusions in investigations will lead to inform learning and change practice


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