Caldicott Guardian Leadership

News and presentations from today's conference chaired by Christopher Fincken, Independent Member, Former Chairman, UK Caldicott Guardian Council.

In his welcome and introduction Christopher considered the difference between Information Governance and the Caldicott principles and role, he said IG is very much rules, guidelines and legal requirements, whereas Caldicott looks at if you should or shouldn't do it, that it might be legal but what about other ethical considerations. Christopher quoted the National Data Guardian stating the Caldicott Guardian role requires; "the ability to apply the Caldicott Guardian principles wisely... and the ability and courage to speak openly and with authority to the highest level of decision maker in the organisation."

Caldicott Leadership

Professor Alison McCallum Former Member UK Caldicott Guardian Council and
Professor of Public Health Centre for Population Health Sciences, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh

• leading Caldicott and embedding the Caldicott Principles
• current issues and dilemmas in practice 

Alison opened focusing on the importance of changing the culture i.e. no longer talking about patients in inappropriate plces or sharing information over the phone, and being careful with how we work with third parties. She said the Caldicott Guardian is a 'stop the bus role' they need to think hang on you maybe able to do this, but should you?  She said; "how do you protet personal data, and the lives that it describes, while being unable to measure quality or improve care without it?"

Caldicott Leadership during and beyond Covid-19

Dawn Monaghan Head of Information Governance Policy NHSX

• Caldicott Leadership
• key considerations for Caldicott Guardians
• Caldicott Leadership during and beyond Covid-19: current issues and lessons learned

Dawn said the Covid response showed the benefits and power of data but also the barriers and challenges.  She presented the IG input to policy and solutions pre and during the pandemic, she listed the positive outcomes as:

  • the importance of proportionate IG and the need for transparency
  • clear guidance for frontline about issues that mattered to them
  • public recognition that an individuals information is key to achieving societal benefit
  • increased collaboration across sectors
  • focus on sensible and appropriate sharing for specific purposes
  • new ways of working
  • new relationships

Moving forward Dawn said they will be paying particular attention to the importance of maintaining public trust in the system, and improving access to information whilst maintaing competence by simplfying IG law and guidance. 

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