News and updates from today's Effective Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing for Pain conference

Claire Ross Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist West Suffolk Integrated Pain Management Services Suffolk GP Federation/West Suffolk NHS Trust Alliance, delivers and extended session on Pain and opioids: approaches to minimise risks, covering:

• lesson learnt from the US opioid epidemic
• opioids Aware on line resource and key messages
• shared decision making: understanding the risks and benefits of prescription opioids
• safety and opioids: what does a patient need to know?
• prescription opioids: recognising risk factors
• non pharmacological approaches: how can a NMP promote and support self
 management within a consultation?
• opioid prescribing and deprescribing: sharing and learning from good practice
• pain management: keeping your knowledge up to date, accessing education, training
 and resources 

Claire comments: “Opioid related overdose rate is dose dependent - The higher the does the higher the risk”

“Patient risks and external factors need to be considered.”

“We should be creating realistic expectations with patients.”

“Supporting decision making - new GMC document came out in 2020 and highlights 7 key principles.  The guidance is intended to be helpful to both HCPs and patients”

“When looking at decision making, it’s useful for patients to use tools to identify their pain” Useful resources  





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