Saving Babies Lives: Reducing Still Birth

Saving Babies Lives & Covid-19

Professor Asma Khalil
Consultant Obstetrician and Lead, Multiple Birth and Maternal Fetal Medicine Teams
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

• saving babies lives, monitoring and fetal growth surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic
• Implications of COVID-19 on reducing preterm births
• understanding the increase in stillbirths during the pandemic
• the 2020 national guidance and promoting care seeking in pregnant women 

In her presentation Asma shared data showing still birth rates during the Covid19 pandemic compared to the year before, she reported an increase in still births in some countries and nationally but with variation across regions, where there has been an increase none of the still birth cases or the mothers had Covid19 and there is no research to suggest that Covid19 can cause still birth.  It is thought that the difference is in the impact of the pandemic on maternity services, including: a 70% decrease in antenatal appointments and a 60% temporary removal of home births or midwifery led care.  Consequently the public message has now been changed to say; don't stay at home, it is safe to come to hospital if you have concerns and to keep appointments. Contrary to the increase in still birth rates some studies show a small reduction in pre-term births, this could be due to social reasons with women staying at home and reduced stress. 

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