The National Hip Fracture Database has released it's annual report:
2020 will no doubt prove to be one of the most challenging years in the history of the NHS. This report also presents the first data about the effect of COVID-19 on trauma units around the country and on outcome for patients with hip fracture who have COVID-19 when admitted to hospital or develop it after their operation.
Key findings, compared to 2018
• More patients received perioperative orthogeriatrician support
• Fewer patients received surgery on the day of, or the day after, their hip fracture
• More patients received the type of operation recommended by NICE
• More patients successfully got out of bed on the day of, or the day after, surgery
• More patients were shown to have avoided delirium when assessed after surgery
• More patients were discharged to their home or followed up to confirm they had done so
Key recommendations
• NHS leaders should use the NHFD data on COVID-19 to understand the course of the pandemic and the impacts on frail older people
• Hip fracture teams should review the NHFD KPIs for their unit and target below average KPI's with local QI projects
• Ward teams should reflect on the additional challenge of social distancing for frail older people and
ensure they are offering patient information leaflets and carer support information
• Hospital managers should use the NHFD run charts for their hospital to understand the impact of the pandemic
• NHFD clinical leads should use the new NHFD casemix adjusted mortality run charts to check the quality of their data