Patient Experience Insight Summit: Demonstrating Responsiveness to Feedback

News and updates for today's conference

Using the National Patient Experience Improvement Framework
Louise Blunt,
Head of Operations, Patient Experience Network

Louise is Head of Operations of the Patient Experience Network (PEN). Louise has over 30 years’ experience in improving company performance across a wide variety of business sectors and organisation sizes. 

She held main board and chief executive positions in several companies and has worked as a business performance consultant for the last 12 years and with PEN for the last 9.
Having specialized in manufacturing and lean management principles for many years, Louise has now developed a reputation within the healthcare sector as a knowledgeable and enthusiastic champion of improved patient and staff experience. 
Louise is looking to ensure that there is a focus on impact and efficiencies – so we report with a strong  evidence base. Customers say Louise offers insight and focus, with a practical approach ensuring they have a clear vision for the future. Louise is delighted to be able to bring the same approach to PEN, supporting organisations to identify, spread and embed patient experience excellence across the board. 

Full PowerPoint Presentation

Co-producing Improvements In Experience of Care
David McNally
, Head of Experience of Care NHS England & NHS Improvement

David is national Head of Experience of Care with the Patient Experience Team in NHS England and NHS Improvement. He is interested in how coproduction and patient leadership can improve quality and experience in healthcare. David is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester, Medical School and is an Expert Reviewer for the Health Services and Delivery Research Programme, National Institute for Health Research. He has worked previously at Regional and Local level in the Health Service, in Adult Social Care and in the charitable sector.

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Patient Experience Insight: Learning from patients & carers
Ian Donaghy,
Author ‘DearDementia’ & ‘The Missing Peace’  

Ian Donaghy’s  infectious enthusiasm & humorous empathetic approach have made him a popular conference speaker all over the UK.  Barbara Pointon MBE describes him as “Highly entertaining & deeply thought-provoking”.
During a 20 year career teaching young people with learning difficulties Ian was seconded by the Home Office to set up inclusion units in schools for vulnerable students focusing on the individual, celebrating what they can do to raise their aspirations.

Ian took his “focus on the individual” into the world of care in 2009 and quickly used his innovative teaching & learning styles to win Care Trainer of the Year at the British Care Awards.

Full PowerPoint Presentation

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