NHSX report - The NHS Artificial Intelligence Lab: how to get it right

NHSX have released a new report about AI in healthcare.

"The report is intended to provide a cohesive overview of the current state of play of data-driven technologies within the health and care system. We hope that it will make clear where in the system AI technologies can be utilised and the policy work that is, and will need to be done, to ensure this utilisation is done in a safe, effective and ethically acceptable manner.

For this reason the report covers research that has been conducted by NHSX and a great number of partners across the digital health ecosystem into:

  • What AI is and where it's being used
  • How to govern AI
  • How to protect patient safety
  • How to support the workforce
  • How to encourage adoption and spread

The results of this research ultimately lead us to the conclusion that the creation of the Lab will be essential if we are to capitalise on the opportunities identified, whilst mitigating the risks."

Read the report here

“We’re so excited about the extraordinary potential of artificially intelligent systems (AIS) for healthcare. Put simply, this technology can make the NHS even better at what it does: treating and caring for people. This includes areas like diagnostics, using data-driven tools to complement the expert judgement of frontline staff... East Midlands Radiology Consortium who are studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a ‘second reader’ of mammogram images, helping radiologists with an incredibly consequential decision, whether or not to recall a patient. In the near future this kind of tech could mean faster diagnosis, more accurate treatments, and ultimately more NHS patients hearing the words ‘all clear’.”

Artificial Intelligence: How to get it right, NHSX, October 2019

Source: NHSX 30 October 2019

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