Developing the Role of the Nursing Associate

Health Education England Independent evaluation finds trainee nursing associates are very positive about their training experience.
Independent evaluation of the popular trainee nursing associate role has found that there are high levels of enthusiasm and commitment to the programme. More than 7 out of 10 trainees who were surveyed applied to the programme to progress their careers and to develop their skills and capabilities.
Published today by Health Education England (HEE), the Traverse Ltd evaluation tracks the progress of the 2,000 trainees that made up the first two pilot cohorts of the programme.  The report draws on three online surveys of Trainee Nursing Associates, which received 2,477 responses in total. Line managers were also surveyed in the second year of the programme, with 531 responses received.
Read the full evaluation

News and presentations from today's conference updating delegates on developing the role of the Nursing Associate – understanding the elements of this new role, and how it is being delivered in practice.

The Nursing Associate Role: National Update
Gary Kirwan
, National Officer and Team Leader, Independent and Wider Public Sector, The Royal College of Nursing
Nursing Associates; The role, where did it come from?
The session will aim to -

  • Give a brief overview of the background to the role.
  • The first cohorts, Health Education England, NMC, RCN involvement.
  • Outline the move to an apprenticeship standard.
  • The role at the workplace, job descriptions, banding. 
  • Delegation and accountability. 
  • The role as part of the widening participation agenda.

Full PowerPoint Presentation 

Nursing Associates: Implementing the role in practice and looking to the future
Jane Murdoch
, Senior Lecturer & Course Leader, Nursing Associate Programme, Birmingham City University with Enrika Berzanskyte, Associate Lecturer, Pre-qualifying Practice & FdSc Nursing Associate, Birmingham City University
Pre Conference Abstract:
At Birmingham City University, we train full-time, undergraduate nurses (HESA 2016) offering cutting-edge learning facilities including state-of-the-art lecture theatres and seminar rooms, mock wards, birthing rooms, operating theatres and virtual reality software. Our departments cover Adult Nursing, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Midwifery and Child Health.
This presentation will explore the journey of the FdSc Nursing Associate course from launch at BCU, as a pilot in April 2017. It will consider partnership working, the roles implemented to support trainee nursing associates and consider the challenges faced along the way. The implementation of the role into practice will also be considered, from the perspective of the education provider.
We will show case some of the opportunities for simulation, which are embedded in the course delivery. We will also include an example of a learner journey, identifying support provided on the course to support widening participation.

Useful documents: 

Medicines Management and the Nursing Associate: The 2018 Guidance
Deborah Robertson
, Lecturer, University of Salford
Pre Conference Abstract
The scope of the presentation is as follows

  • Expectations for nursing associates who administer medicines to patients
  • Ensure adequate levels of supervision are in place to support trainee nursing associates in the education and training of medicines management
  • Implementing the 2018 guidance

The presentation will explore the key areas of medicines management and the role of the nursing associate. We will explore the current issues around training, education and supervision. The model used at the University of Salford will be explored as will the 2018 standards of proficiency from the Nursing and Midwifery Council

Further information around prescribing can be obtained from:

Full PowerPoint Presentation 

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