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Virtual Reality in healthcare is now being used routinely to improve care for patients. When combined with simulation Virtual Reality is increasingly being used for training and education; immersing clinicians in a realistic simulation of a procedure and practising the steps and techniques is now being seen as an effective and relatively low cost way of improving skills and educating clinicians.
Chaired and produced in association with Mr Bibhas Roy, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, this conference focuses on the practical application of these techniques in everyday clinical practice, this is not a futuristic theory based event but includes practical case studies of how this technology is being used today to improve practice.
“Virtual reality, a technology first developed for gaming, is now being used for a variety of healthcare applications, including mental health and live streaming of surgical procedures to teach the next generation of surgeons….Immersive technologies combine computer-generated visual, auditory and other sensory data with the physical world and present it to the user in such a way as to allow them to interact with the blended environment, typically through a head-mounted display (HMD). This may be in a fully immersed fashion (virtual reality (VR)), overlaid or integrated with the physical world (augmented and mixed reality). Recent developments in computing, optics, and sensors made these technologies widely available, affordable and effective. They are both tools for the delivery of care and a platform through which care delivery can be taught, where they can have a positive impact on learning retention as well as the ability to carry out complex procedures. The medical applications of VR have been studied since the 1990s, with researchers using the immersive effects of VR to reduce pain and distress for patients receiving wound care. Since then, studies have explored the ability of VR to reduce pain in burns, manage procedural pain, and distract from acute pain. In mental health, VR has also been used with benefits in post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety and phobic disorders”
The Topol Review, Preparing the Healthcare Workforce to deliver the Digital Future February 2019
“Embracing technology is at the heart of the NHS long term plan and training doctors using virtual reality is another example of modernising the NHS to help improve care for patients.”
Dr Partha Kar, National Clinical Director for Diabetes, NHS England 2019
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to implement Virtual Reality and Simulation in Healthcare
- Understand the national context and potential
- Learn from established practice case studies
- Improve your understanding of how we can bring virtual reality and simulation together to improve training and education of clinicians
- Reflect on case studies in various areas where virtual reality is being implemented in clinical and mental health practice
- Understand the practicalities of implementing Virtual Reality for Patients in a Hospital Setting
- Ensure organizational support and understand the economic case for this technology
- Understand how the use of simulation can improve patient safety
- Understand how simulation involving virtual patients can improving teaching of complex communication skills
- Learn from case studies including
- the use of Virtual Reality & Simulation in Mental Health and IAPT
- the use of Virtual Reality & Simulation in Surgery & the role of the Virtual Surgeon
- the use of Virtual Reality in simulation and clinical education
- using VR to enable doctors to practice in virtual reality medical emergencies and to improve care for patients with diabetes in the real world
- the use of Virtual Reality gaming to tackle complex regional pain syndrome and to aid people living with musculoskeletal conditions - Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence