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This conference focuses on the important issue of transforming acute care for people with frailty: improving the quality of care for people with frailty and supporting them to stay out of hospital. Redesign of acute frailty services is crucial to meeting increasing demand and improving the quality of life for older people.
People living with any or all of frailty, dementia and multiple long-term conditions present a complex challenge for health and social care providers.
There will also be an extended focus on providing hospital at home and virtual wards for frailty in line with National recommendations from NHS England:
We will offer more joined-up care for older people living with frailty, including scaling urgent community response, frailty and falls services across the whole country – meaning the right people help you get the care you need, without needing an admission to hospital if it’s not necessary... Care outside hospital is of particular importance for older people living with frailty, who are much more likely than younger people to be admitted to hospital, and likely to have a longer stay when they are admitted. Through better joint working and sharing of information between services we can help improve care for people who fall or are living with frailty.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve acute care for frail older people
- Learn from outstanding practice in developing dedicated frailty services
- Reflect on national developments and learning from Covid-19
- Update your knowledge on the GIRFT Report in Geriatrics and the recommendations for frailty
- Improve the way you support people with frailty
- Develop your skills in identifying and diagnosing frailty
- Understand how you can improve the response to emergency admissions
- Identify key strategies for preventing unnecessary hospital admission
- Understand the principles and practicalities of setting up and running a virtual frailty ward
- Learn from the delivery of a frailty improvement programme in acute care
- Understand how you can use the Specialised Clinical Frailty Toolkit to improve practice
- Explore priorities and challenges in meeting the BGS End of Life Care in Frailty Guidance
- Ensure frailty presenting as falls is effectively identified and managed
- Improve prescribing and reduce polypharmacy
- Self-assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
100% of delegates who attended the previous date would recommend to a colleague.
100% of delegates who attended the previous date said attending the conference will ultimately have a positive impact on patient experience and outcomes.