The UK IV Leadership Summit

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Conference attendance funded for Senior Clinicians specialising in Vascular Access, I.V. Therapy, Infection Prevention, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.

Chaired by Andrew Barton Chair of National Infusion and Vascular Access Society (NIVAS), the Fourth National 3M IV Leadership Summit will give clinicians with an interest in vascular access and infection prevention an opportunity to share in first class educational and leadership content. The programme will focus on national programmes and development aligned to Vascular Access and IV Therapy.

The day will also give opportunity for networking with fellow senior clinical professionals to share experience and best practice with the aim of reducing infection risk at all access points.

Learning Outcomes 
By attending the event you will:

  • Gain insight into new national developments, complications, risks with an overview or current and future developments, a review of new publications of Intravasation & Extravasation.
  • Line Related Infection Surveillance and the development of a standardised reporting tool.
  • An interactive discussion on reducing and managing complications, risk mitigation, recognising infection at an early stage, troubleshooting IV access. The use of ultrasound guided access and an ANTT update.  covering routes for contamination of catheters, prevention of IV device related infections, insertion site infection monitoring, management of central venous catheters and issues to be aware of when removing
  • Opportunity to attend one of three afternoon breakout sessions
  1. Oncology – an interactive workshop on maintaining access, choice of VAD’s, vessel health & preservation, phlebitis, thrombus, and extravasation in a cancer care setting
  2. Creating a Vascular Access Team
  3. Peripheral Intravenous Access, more than ‘just a cannula’
  • Legal updates – A step by step guide to carrying out systems-based investigations of IV incidents, effective patient safety, learnings, and outcomes
  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes

Chair and Speakers Include:

Mr Andrew Barton

Chair, National Infusion and Vascular Access Society (NIVAS); Lead Nurse, IVASl and Nurse Consultant IV Therapy and Vascular Access, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

Ms Sue Rowlands

IV Resource Team Lead
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

Karen Harrold

SACT & IV Access Nurse Consultant
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Mike O'Connell

Legal Services Practitioner and Interim Senior Inquests Manager
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

Held on behalf of:

Supporting Organisations

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