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Practical Guide to effective Job Planning
The aim of this 1-day masterclass is to empower individuals to understand the context of their current plan and move to team job planning to enable effective teams and services.
Job plans were introduced with the then new consultant contract in 2003. This instrument is focused on the individual, and has led to consultants describing it as ‘my job plan’. The individual job plan fails to recognise that medicine is a team sport. Consultants will agree on the on-call rota, have their own clinics, run lists, and have SPAs to include in the work cycle. This is done in isolation of their colleagues, resulting in assumptions about who does what, where, and even why. The service responsibilities are all the collective responsibility of the consultant team, and yet the duty to deliver the service as a collective is excluded from the current job planning processes. The team job plan is the modern manifestation of the 15 year old tired instrument, that not only measures capacity across the consultant team, but also reveals how to ensure genuine team working, and builds collective responsibility for the work demands made of them and the service.
By the end of this masterclass delegates will be able to:
- Understand why current job planning policies fail the individual, team, organisation and patient
- Build an understanding of why team job planning matters and why it is different
- Understand the key principles that enable engagement by colleagues
- Learn from example of the follow through gains for the team and patient once team job planning is established
- Develop a local team job plan approach to take back to the organisation
- Rewrite the Trust policy for team job planning
The course is facilitated by: Dr Nadeem Moghal - MBChB BAO (MRCP) FRCPCH MBA FRCPI (Hon) Nadeem has had a 30 year career in the NHS. He has held a number of senior medical leadership roles in a wide range of NHS organisations. His roles included Medical Director, Associate Medical Director, Director of Strategy, Interim Clinical Director, Regional service lead focused on leading change, transformation of services and quality improvement.
Who should attend:
Clinical service leads, Service managers, HR Directors, Medical Directors and AMDs responsible for job plans. Ideally clinical and manager service leads should attend as a team. The programme is also suited to HR directors, Medical Directors and HR managers responsible for job plan and job plan policy, with the aim of returning back to their organisations to implement team job planning across their organisations.