Challenges and Opportunities from Cross-Sector Collaboration
The Second International Conference of the Safety Without Compromise Expert Group
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Find out about virtual attendance.
Violence, aggression, challenging and disruptive behaviour are problems encountered by many organisations with some managing the issues better than others. The aim of this one-day virtual Conference is to share best practice, explain how to reduce the use of force and restrictive interventions, improve safety, and minimise the risk of harm to everyone involved.
Learn from leading experts from the UK, USA, Israel and Australia to help ensure that your service keeps abreast of best practice and maintains safety in this complex area where legislation, guidance and policy frequently change and often collide.
Why attend?
This conference will enable you to
- Network with colleagues who are working to reduce and improve the use of restrictive interventions in practice
- Update your knowledge of national developments including the recommendations Out of Sight, Who Cares, the CQC October 2020 review of restraint, seclusion and segregation for autistic people, and people with a learning disability and/or mental health condition
- Understand how Covid-19 affects training and refresher training
- Understand what restraint is and what it is not
- Improve your skills in the anticipation, de-escalation and prevention of violence and aggression
- Learn from outstanding practice as recognized by CQC in reducing restrictive interventions
- Develop a quality improvement approach to reducing violence in your service
- Understand how to work in partnership with police, and the police role in restraint
- Gain an understanding of the medical issues that can lead to violent and challenging behaviour
- Learn how a behaviour management and physical interventions programme is made safer by a medical review
- Develop effective post incident debriefing
- Identify key strategies for reducing restraint and reducing harm from all kinds of restraint
- Self-assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes