Half day virtual masterclass
Autistic people and people with a learning disability are as entitled to live an ordinary life as any other citizen.
The CQC have announced that they will be prioritising inspections of services for people with a learning disability and autistic people, using the Right support, Right care, Right culture guidance in their assessments and judgements. Join us for this half day Masterclass to ensure you understand what this guidance will mean for you in practice on inspection day and beyond.
The CQC expect health and social care providers to guarantee autistic people and people with a learning disability the choices, dignity, independence, and good access to local communities that most people take for granted.
This masterclass will explore the requirements of Right support, Right care, Right culture and the key actions that services and staff should take to embed this into practice.
In May 2022 the CQC published Right support, right care, right culture and since then many services have been inspected using this guidance as a tool to evidence good practice. Sadly, many of these services have been rated as requires improvement or inadequate. For example, in the last month 281 inspection reports for such services have been published. Of these 30% are rated as requires improvement and 9% as inadequate. That means that nearly 40% of these services do not meet the standard of a good service, this is truly shocking and must be addressed.
The masterclass will explore the guidance and what it means in practice. We will also explore the key areas of non-compliance and how to avoid and/or address these.
Who should attend? Those who work in services supporting autistic people and people with a learning disability, this includes at Provider, Responsible Individual, Registered Manager, Deputy Manager and Team Leader level and Support Worker.
Key learning objectives:
- Understand the legislation and guidance
- Explore the requirements of right support, right care, right culture
- Embed the guidance into practice
- Identify the key areas of non-compliance
- Audit your service against the key areas of non-compliance
- Improve the quality of life for people
NOTE: We will provide an audit tool (Excel spreadsheet) that you may use to audit your service against the requirements of the statutory guidance.