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“When a concern arises about a doctor’s practice it presents a three-fold opportunity to protect patients, support professional behaviours by the doctor and improve quality in the organisation. These are achieved through reflection and learning by all involved in an open, fair and effective manner. To realise all three is a challenge requiring skill, wisdom and leadership”
“Every doctor has a professional duty to maintain their fitness to practise. This includes the duty to be proactive about raising a concern about their practice, to acknowledge a concern if one is raised and to engage constructively with steps to address it.”
“When a potential concern arises the immediate response sets the direction for that which follows. Engagement of the doctor as a professional participant is a key factor for successful resolution within local processes. Another is to distinguish common variation of practice from that which veers significantly from accepted standards and respond accordingly.”
This conference focuses on responding to concerns about medical practice, developing local exploration and resolution of concerns about a doctor’s practice. The conference will discuss guiding principles for responding to a concern about a doctor’s practice as outlined in the March 2019 NHS England Guidance, and use practical case studies and extended sessions to demonstrate good practice and support you to ensure a fair and consistent approach is delivered in your service.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to respond to concerns about medical practice
- Learn from outstanding practice in investigation of concerns
- Reflect on national developments and learning including ensuring adherence to the March 2019 NHS England Guidance
- Improve the way concerns are identified and responded to
- Develop your skills in managing and responding to concerns relating to behaviour
- Understand how you can improve support for doctors who are the subject of concerns
- Identify key strategies for addressing concerns through treatment, learning, supervision or amendment of professional duties
- Ensure you are up to date with the latest GMC advice in managing concerns
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain cpd accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence